The Bullring

The present bull ring was designed by the architects Trinidad Cuartara and Enrique López Rull and its construction was finished in 1888. It can hold 9,054 spectators and replaced the previous bull ring which existed between Granada and Murcia Street.

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The Old Square

This square is a delightful corner of the city which used to be the site for games, festivals, bull fights, processions and civic parades. In the Arab period it was a rectangular square constituting the main souk, a large market surrounded by stalls.

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Mineral Loading Bay (or Cable Inglés)

This loading bay, which is a magnificent example and masterpiece of iron architecture from the beginning of the 20th century, gives the city´s sea front its personality and in 1998 it was declared to be of “cultural interest”.

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The Alcazaba

The Alcazaba, with a perimeter wall of 1430 metres, is one of the largest Arab constructions in Spain. It was built on the orders of Abderramán III in the 10th century, after the foundation of the city.

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Shrine of Our Lady of Sorrows
Vera - Almería

La Ermita de las Angustias acoge a la patrona de la localidad y se ha convertido en un paso obligado para fieles y amantes del arte vinculado a la religiosidad.

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Hermitage Virgen de la Cabeza
Antas - Almería

The Virgen de la Cabeza, chose one of the places with the best views of the whole of Eastern Almería. This enclave has been a very important settlement for many of the civilizations that have passed through Antas and also an important communications hub for our ancestors .

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