The Bolnuevo KnightsTower
Mazarrón - Murcia
The Bolnuevo Knights tower still looks out to the sea from where the pirates from North Africa spied on the population. Five centuries ago, the insecurity of the assaults forced the creation of a network of watchtowers along the whole coast to warn of danger.
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Roman house on Era Street
Mazarrón - Murcia
More than 15 centuries have gone by since there was life inside the Roman houses on Era Street. Possible the inhabitants were rich, perhaps linked to the salting industry which was so important at that time, maybe hardly aware that their culture and their lifestyle were about to die along with the Roman Empire.
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Tower of the Hill
Mazarrón - Murcia
The smoke signals from the tower warned of presence of an unknown boat close to the coast, and thanks to this, the population saved themselves from the possible dangers of facing the Berber pirates.
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San Andrés Church
Mazarrón- Murcia
Its proximity to the sea meant that for centuries Mazarrón suffered constant threats from pirates from North Africa. The San Andrés Church was erected from the 16th century as a refuge for the population and as a place of prayer.
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St. John’s Brotherhood
Vera - Almería
The warmth of the people has made the Saint John brotherhood one of Vera town’s most loved. Three and a half centuries of history parade every Easter Thursday the everlasting fervour of the devout.
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Virgin of Forgiveness Brotherhood
Vera - Almería
Holy Tuesday has become the day in which the children Vera show how the grand tradition of Passion Week is far from disappearing. Faith and devotion have no age.
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