Alcudia de Monteagud
Alcudia de Monteagud - Almería

Welcome to Alcudia de Monteagud. Discover our treasures and enjoy the cuisine and the tranquillity. Find your own cultural and active experience.

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Ornithological Park
Beires - Almería

An initiative to inform about and highlight the importance of birds in the balance of ecosystems, especially in this natural environment of the Nacimiento de Beires Area.

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Moors and Christians festival
Mojácar - Almería

The origin of these festivities is a historical event that occurred in the reconquest of Mojácar by the Catholic Monarchs.

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Almería Museum of Ecological History
Alcudia de Monteagud - Almería

The Museum offers a new perspective, unique in Europe, for discovering history from the point of view in which societies relate to the environment that surrounds them.

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Senés - Almería

Bienvenido a Senés, pueblo hospitalario y amable de blanco y pizarra que te abre sus puertas para que disfrutes intensamente.

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The Mojácar origin of Walt Disney
Mojácar - Almería

In 1940, in the midst of the Spanish Civil War post-war, several men in suits, they say foreigners, visit Mojácar with the intention of obtaining information about a mother and her son who left the village 40 years earlier.

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